James Chapman

James Chapman

Open Source Projects

Open Source Software Projects

During my PhD journey, I was constantly driven by the desire to bridge the gap between cutting-edge research and practical application. It's this passion that led to the birth of my open-source software projects.


Inspired by multiview learning's complexities, cca-zoo is a Python package that represents canonical correlation analysis in its modern form. Read Documentation.


Emerging as an answer to the growing need for efficient optimization tools, ProxTorch builds on PyTorch to highlight dynamic regularization and proximal gradient descent.


A Python package housing a collection of deep-learning multi-modal data fusion method pipelines! From data loading, to training, to evaluation - fusilli's got you covered.

These projects symbolize my commitment to the community and the immense learning that accompanies it. From tackling unexpected challenges to collaborating with diverse minds, they have been instrumental in shaping my expertise.